S.No. | Name of the Supervisor / Co-Supervisor |
Name of the Ph.D. Scholar | Mode of Ph.D. | Registration Number | Date of Registration | Research Topic | Likely Date of Completion | Availing Fellowship | Funding Agency of Fellowship |
Updated on: 23/01/2025 | |||||||||
1. | Dr. Kamla Prof Emanual Nahar |
BHAWANJOT KAUR | Full Time | 5320005002 | 28/05/2024 | india's strategy in the indo-pacific: A Response to China's Influence in the Region | 27/05/2029 | Yes | UGC |
2. | Dr. Kamla Prof. Emanual Nahar |
Neha Kamal | Full Time | 22-23/391/Ph.D/R&S | 29/03/2023 | Digital Warfare: A case study of the New War-Front opening Between India and China | 28/03/2028 | Yes | UGC |
3. | Dr. Simran Kaur nil |
Rajinder Singh | Full Time | 22-23/220/Ph.D/R&S | 14/02/2023 | 13/02/2028 | No | ||
Sachin Jaggi | Part Time | 27718005021 | 08/02/2023 | GEOPOLITICAL MOVES OF CHINA IN THE HIMALAYAN REGION: IMPLICATIONS AND POLICY OPTIONS FOR INDIA | 07/02/2028 | No | |
5. | Dr. Jaskaran Singh Waraich | Paramjeet Singh | Part Time | 21-22/287/Ph.D/R&S | 15/03/2022 | Exploring Cognitive Warfare: the Sixth Domain of Warfare | 14/03/2027 | Yes | nil |
6. | Prof. Simrit Kahlon | Ajay Kumar Suri | Full Time | 21-11/455/Ph.D/R&S | 15/03/2022 | RDC pending | 14/03/2027 | No | |
7. | Prof.Meena Dutta nil |
Ram Naresh | Part Time | 21-22/350/Ph.D/R&S | 15/03/2022 | A Study of TWIN Battles of Nathu LA and CHO LA of 1967 | 14/03/2027 | No | |
8. | Dr. Jaskaran Singh Waraich | Lamba Pawan Bir Singh | Full Time | 21-22/385/Ph.D/R&S | 15/03/2022 | RDC pending | 14/03/2027 | No | |
9. | prof meena datta nil |
Mr Arvind Sharma | Part Time | 21-22/445/phd/R&S | 15/03/2022 | nil | 13/03/2027 | No | |
10. | Prof Meena Dutta | Harbir Singh | Part Time | 21-22/386/Ph.D | 15/03/2022 | Kashmir issue: A Study of Political And Social Aspects | 14/03/2027 | No | |
11. | Dr. Jaskaran Singh Waraich | S K Saini | Full Time | 21-22/190/Ph.D/R&S | 30/12/2021 | RDC Pending | 29/12/2026 | No | |
12. | Dr. Jaskaran Singh Waraich | Stanzin Namgail | Full Time | 21-22/163/Ph.D/R&S | 17/12/2021 | Tibet As a Factor in Sino- Indian Relations: Strategic And Geopolitical Perspectives | 16/12/2026 | Yes | maulana azad scholarship |
13. | Dr. Simran Kaur | Hemant Singh Tanwar | Full Time | 21-22/160/Ph.D/R&S | 24/11/2021 | GEO-POLITICAL AND GEO-STRATEGIC DIMENSIONS OF INDIA'S MARITIME ECONOMY | 23/11/2021 | No | |
14. | Prof. Rakesh Datta | Prabhjot Singh Bhatti | Full Time | 21-22/161/Ph.D/R&S | 24/11/2021 | LEVERAGING DEFENCE DIPLOMACY TO ENHANCE INDIA'S INFLUENCE IN EASTERN AFRICA:AN APPRAISAL | 23/11/2026 | No | |
15. | Prof. Rakesh Datta | Gunjit Singh Arora | Full Time | 21-22/162/Ph.D/R&S | 24/11/2021 | RDC pending | 23/12/2026 | No | |
16. | Prof Rakesh Datta nil |
Kamal Bagga | Part Time | 21-22/164/phdR&S | 24/11/2021 | 23/11/2026 | No | ||
17. | prof Emanual Nahar nil |
Mr Kamalvir Singh | Full Time | 21-22/177/phd/R&S | 24/11/2021 | nil | 23/11/2026 | Yes | UGC |
18. | Prof. Meena dutta | Vinod malik | Part Time | 21-22/180/Ph.D/R&S | 24/11/2021 | India's Nuclear doctrine: An Appraisal | 23/11/2026 | No | |
19. | Dr Sucha Singh | Binesh Bhatia | Full Time | 20-21/346/Ph.D/R&S | 17/03/2021 | Geo-Politics of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): and Its Regional Implications | 16/03/2027 | No | |
20. | Dr. Manish Sharma | Mudasir Maqbool | Full Time | 2020-EZ-111 | 25/01/2021 | Resolution of Kashmir Issue: Dynamics, Challenges and Way Ahead | 24/01/2024 | Yes | maulana azad scholarship |
21. | Prof. Emanual Nahar | Bal Krishan Attri | Part Time | 20-21/309/Ph.D/R&S | 25/01/2021 | EMERGING THREATS IN NON-CONTACT WARFARE AND IT'S COUNTER-STRATEGY FOR INDIA | 24/01/2026 | Yes | NIL |
22. | Dr. Jaskaran Singh Waraich | zahid | Full Time | 19-20/96/Ph.D/R&S dated | 30/07/2019 | INDIA – AFGHANISTAN STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP POST 2001: A CRITICAL APPRAISAL | 29/07/2024 | No | |
23. | Prof. Rakesh Datta | Arun Awasthi | Full Time | 18-19/566/Ph.d/R&S | 12/02/2019 | PAKISTAN'S HYBRID WARFARE AND INDIA'S SECURITY: A STUDY OF J&K | No | ||
24. | Prof. Rakesh Datta | Raj Shukla | Part Time | 18-19/277/Ph.D | 15/01/2018 | India'a National Security Framwork : A Critical Appraisal | 14/01/2023 | No |
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