Established in 2001, the department offers Master.s course in Defence & Strategic Studies including research degree programmes. The admission in Master course is open to all the students from various streams but, preference is to the applicants who have studied Defence Studies/Military Science at graduation level. 5 seats are reserved for the serving defence personnel.
The department also offer M.Phil. course in Defence & Strategic Studies to the defence service officers posted at HQ Army Training command (ARTRAC), Shimla including its 29 training establishments .5 seats are also kept for armed forces outside ARTRAC. 5 seats are kept open for admission through entrance test conducted by the university.
The department is also offering M.Phil Programme to defence service officers undergoing Higher Command Course at Army War College, Mhow.
The department is in league with all the major think- tanks on security matter including IDSA.
The department runs One-year Postgraduate Diploma Course and Three-months Executive Certificate Course in Disaster Management & Security incl., One year Postgraduate Diploma Course in Homeland Security which is only of its kind in the country served by this department.
The department holds special lectures including Seminars & Conferences to provide additional exposure to the students. The department also has a Defence Studies Society, which organizes various activities including educational trips/tours to defence establishments in the country.
Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )
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